Frederic Larmuseau,

For more than 265 years we have been a proud member of the coffee industry. During this time the industry has evolved into one of the largest agricultural commodities in the world. Since 1990 we have been actively engaging with coffee farming communities around the world with the goal of promoting Good Agricultural Practices designed towards sustainable and yield-increasing cropping systems that include diversification, intercropping and conservation of nature. By 2025, the JDE Common Grounds program will have reached more than 500,000 smallholder farmers thanks to the strong collaborative efforts of our Public and Private partners. As the industry continues to evolve, it is these types of collaborative efforts that will ensure it remains a sustainable industry especially for smallholder farmers, the next generation of coffee entrepreneurs and their local communities. The OP2B coalition is another great example of the collaborative mindset required to preserve the coffee sector for the generations to come.